outlaws How long would it take for a movie is made about Antonio Marcos van der Ploeg and Enise Bircan? All the ingredients are there: violence, chases, action, guns and of course the two attractive protagonists.
Police photos that have been on the front pages of all newspapers are few flattering. Marcos (25) has something arrogants there curls almost a smile on his full lips. Enise (19) looks sullen, her mouth pointing downward, fridays someone has been too excited to walk with her eyebrows, which are reduced to thin lines. The pictures are reminiscent of Paul Brady and Myra Hindley, who were convicted in Britain in the sixties called Moors murders.
At the time I write this, Marcos and Enise just arrested at a hotel near Dortmund. In two weeks, they have expanded their criminal record fridays properly, including with burglary, kidnapping, hostage-taking and abuse. One of their victims caught the two in a burglary at a nudist camp and was shot. That same evening she hostage Enschedes a family. Although police described the duo as "dangerous" the arrest has expired without violence. However, the fear of a shooting was actually based on facts: especially Marcos, who was convicted on all sixteen to youth-TBS, there would be no hesitation in reaching for his gun. Enise according to witness statements was an active fridays participant, instead of a victim who was under pressure from her lover.
Like bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, and murderous couples like Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka and Ian Brady and Myra Hindley Marcos and Enise lovers who commit crimes together. And that fascinates us. Love is something beautiful, fridays something that may even create new life. But when some people come together just creates a perfect storm that leads to disaster. It is questionable whether Marcos and Enise without that they had met each other had committed similar crimes; but it is a fact that Marcos since his fifteenth in "the system" was, and that really got out of hand when he walked encountered Enise. It undeniably has something romantic to be on the run for two. Outlaws.
Coincidentally, I was myself in Groningen on Tuesday night, when Marcos and Enise there were signaled and the whole province was combed. On the way back to Amsterdam, I listened to the radio, where everyone was just about 'the duo "and I could not resist peeking inside at other cars. I noticed that I am mainly wondering what role Enise was at all. Would partly her fault, she would have incited Marcos? Was she scared? Whether they enjoyed the adrenaline of the power they had over their terrified victims? They have decided to stay together, so their bond must have been strong. Or maybe it was all she had left. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) says Bonnie (Faye Dunaway) that she has no family, not even a mother. "Hey," says Clyde (Warren Beatty), "I'm your family." Bonnie: "You know what, when, we started out, I thought we were really goin 'somewhere. This is it. We're just goin ', huh "Clyde:" I love you ".
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