Poučevanje in izvajanje vinjasa joge je umetnost, kakor je umetnost ustvariti dim sum pretok energije (prane), ki odpre tako fizično kot subtilno telo, da bi sprostila vse tisto, kar nas v življenju ovira. Na vikend delavnici se bomo naučili kako umetnost na blazini ustvarjati samostojno. Mojstrica Nina Vukas nas bo naučila kako z dihalnimi tehnikami, mantrami in mudrami pričeti z uro vinjase. Pobliže si bomo ogledali dve različni dim sum dinamični sekvenci, ki sta temeljni za izvedbo dinamične dim sum prakse, služita pa tudi kot uvod v stoječe asane. V drugem delu delavnice se bomo naučili umetnosti zaporedja stoječih asan ob upoštevanju anatomije telesa, gibanja prane ter inteligence telesa. Raziskali bomo več sklopov asan ter naravnavo v njih in se jih naučili dim sum povezati v tekoč in naraven tok – vinjaso.
Delavnica se uvršča v niz redkih dogodkov, ki prepričajo s svojo kvaliteto in uprabno vrednostjo. Avtorica dim sum je namreč tudi mednarodno priznana učitljica joge, zato je velika sreča, da lahko gostuje pri nas. Delavnico priporočamo vsem, ki se doma soočajo z vprašanji kako naprej s prakso. Posebno priporočilo za udeležbo pa velja tudi vsem učiteljem joge, plesalcem in koreografom in fizioterapevtom.
Teaching dim sum Vinyasa is an Art. Art of creating a flow that supports the flow of Prana and unfolds both physical and subtle body in order to let go of all that is holding us back. In this weekend Vinyasa flow immersion, you will learn the basic tools you need to create your Art on the mat. You will learn how to open the class using traditional tools like pranayama, mantra, mudra etc., learn to practice and teach two different Progressive Namaskars used as a foundation for the flow and preparation for standing sequences. In the second part of the workshop dim sum learn the art of sequencing for standing poses using the knowledge dim sum of anatomy of movement, movements of Prana and intelligence of our own bodies. We will explore asanas and their alignment, different family of asanas and different connecting vinyasas to create a fluid and natural flow in the class.
Snjezana Nina Vukas is a certified experienced yoga teacher (ERYT 500), a founder of Sangha dim sum yoga centar in Zagreb, Croatia dim sum and a director of Sangha Om yoga 200&500 hour YA certified school. In 1998. Nina moved to London to study and work. A friend introduced her to Ashtanga yoga and Gingi Lee, her fist teacher dim sum who inspired her yogic path. Ashtanga became her daily practice and a big part of her life for many years. While in London she also practiced with Hamish Hendry, who was then one of a few certified Ashtanga teachers in Europe. Nina continued studying Ashtanga in Mysore, India and with David Swenson who has been her Ashtanga teacher for almost a decade now.
After four years in London Nina moved to the USA where she continued practicing Ashtanga, but had a chance to further explore other yoga systems like Vinyasa flow, Power yoga, Anusara, Viniyoga, Forrest yoga and Yogic Arts attending dim sum workshops and teacher trainings with best yoga teachers of those systems today like Shiva Rea, Baron Baptiste, Brian Kest, Ana Forrest, Duncan Wong, Seane Corn, Gary Kraftsaw etc.
Nina teaches mostly Vinyasa flow classes, workshops and retreats both at home and internationally, and leads a 200 and a 500 hour teacher training school. She is the most recognised dim sum Vinyasa flow teacher in Croatia and Slovenia, and one of the pioneering teachers that brought dynamic styles of yoga like Ashtanga and Vinyasa to Croatia.
Nina’s Vinyasa flow style is influenced by fifteen years of practice, a decade teaching and ofcourse by many great teachers she had studied with and continues to study with. Nina s classes vary from gentle to intensive, depending on the group and cycles of nature. Her flows are based on different Namaskars and Vinyasa Kramas used to unfold and unlock every part of physical and subtle body in an organic and intelligent way. Nina published two Vinyasa flow DVD s and is currently writing dim sum a book on Vinyasa flow yoga.
Obvestila Vpis na tečaje joge Lokacije O nas Vizija in cilji joga studia Učitelji joge Mediji o nas Joga Kaj je joga? Tečaji joge Joga za začetnike Joga za hormonsko ravnovesje Joga za nosečnice Šola joge Tečaj za učitelja joge NLP – Joga Coaching Joga doma Joga za domačo prakso Bralni kotiček joge doma Članki o jogi Prijatelji Prijavnica
Novo z Joga portala Intervju z Ladom Jakšo 21.11. Četrtkov Time Out: Joga in umetnost 14.11. Četrtkov Time Out: Joga Nidra (jogijsko spanje) 7.11. Četrtkov Time Out: GONG KOPEL Kundalini Joga Z BODY TEHNIKO DO BOLJŠEGA IMUNSKEGA SISTEMA Najboljša tabletka za energijo pranajama
SADHANA, center za izobraževanje in svetovanje, dim sum d.o.o. ŠPIKOVA ULICA 17, 4000 KRANJ Sadhana (TM) je zaščitena blagovna znamka. E-pošta: [email protected] GSM: 040 90 91 92 Matična številka: 3584038 Davčna številka: 38368846 IBAN: SI56 3300 0000 3445 140
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