Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Treasure Issue

The green and brown crepe paper cut 7-8 inches wide and start working! The green cut to 40 inches long by inches and beating on one edge so that it remains intact 1-1.5 cm. The resulting fibers are thin and begin to roll up a Stranded rialto bare branches. The end fix with glue. The cones of brown crepe put in front of you, drive down an inch, take your thumb on the front of the paper and wrap a full 360 degrees of the crepe. You just get the finger print of the cone scales! To repeat this until the paper approximately 40 cm long was consumed. You can roll them in the end crumble well and bring in a little green crêpe. Finally, you will be the branches and cones, interconnectors and hook them also perform the incarnation!
Related Categories: Window of Interest, door decorations, table decorations, Do it yourself! , Decoration, Step By Step | Tags: ablakcicomák, Table pride and Brown, DIY - Do it yourself! , Hajtogatósdi, crepe paper cone, Green
Hi! Can you help a little? The fourth image stuck, not at all so the paper did not manage to twist you describe precisely how? Anyway, very nice and bright, I'd sure like to do it, but do not want to hooking Thanks, Viki
Bye! Unfortunately I can not find a video .. Bottom right thumb to grab the edge of the crepe paper, with your left hand you roll the remaining paper. The thumb impression of the scale will be! And we go on .. Try! Definitely you will come!
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Treasure Issue

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