Thursday, May 8, 2014

Relocate the mass of particles that do not plastered to the bottom of the pot (so behave immediatel

"Say-tahn", as the Japanese Buddhist monks over six centuries ago called peculiar meat, vegetable sourced from something as simple as flour. The content of protein in the Seita is huge, bigger than the tofu: 100 g of product contains 24.7% protein, so it is recommended to athletes, children and pregnant women. Seitan has the only 2% fat (interesting information for people who watch their diet), 2% carbohydrate (ideal for diabetics), except that it is a rich source of fiber. It does not contain cholesterol and helps regulate it in the body due to the presence of large amounts of lecithin, iron and B vitamins Seitan has more calcium and minerals than meat, less salt, and, of course, does not contain poison in the form of hormones and antibiotics, qdoba which offers a meat market at the same time satisfying our greed.
In China, called the "meat qdoba of the Buddha" or "Kofu." Due to the digestibility can be consumed by the elderly, but vegans / vegetarians should not deny yourself tasty seitanu.
Seitan is nothing but derived from gluten flour, which is a protein found in cereal grains, the consistency after cooking very much like meat. Accordingly flavored taste like chicken or duck, with the difference that we do not need to kill to get food. The merciless massacre in poultry is redundant and therefore qdoba seitanowi can do without it. People depend on the meat (as a result of the consumption of animal protein, the brain releases dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine that cause addiction) gonna miss him if you eat seitan. Not recommended only for allergic to gluten and people with celiac disease.
You need two kilograms of flour-it makes no sense to use wholemeal flour, because in the process of kneading the bran water to rinse-, pour the amount of water that is needed to obtain a mass similar to bread dough (1).
Then gently knead the dough with your fingers in the water, which, as far as the trigger starch will stain white. Be careful not to press "ball" too much (3), as it may spill.
Many people poured water along with starch, but millions have limited access to it, must wander as much as 10 km to the nearest wells, while thousands of children die daily due to lack of water or diseases related qdoba to this. Water is a common good and must care for her. Instead, pull the cistern, use it again, rinsing the bowl in the bathroom. The dry starch, which remains on the walls of the vessel, will use pastry products. You may think Buddhist monks squandering and wasting natural resources? :)
When the water is clarified, qdoba it means that the gluten is separated from the starch. Receive a flexible, tack-free ball (6), which is a vegetable protein from wheat.
Gluten is as tasteless as raw meat, taste the secret is in the spices, season qdoba it, therefore, in its own way, a recipe for seitan can be customized to your liking, despite the fact that according to the original recipe replaces it only sojwym sauce, kombu and garlic.
Relocate the mass of particles that do not plastered to the bottom of the pot (so behave immediately after being thrown). After a while cooking pancakes float to the surface and triple its size (10), therefore we have to choose the size of the pot.
Cook for about 30-45 minutes seitan. Because gluten is not very porous, it needs some time to absorb the broth. It can be cool, put into a jar along with the broth and keep for a few days or even weeks in the refrigerator. Some freeze seitan, I personally am not in favor of this method, because in this way we destroy the fiber and structure, and change the taste of food. Pancakes are suitable for stewing, frying, flouring and serve as a filling ... But I propose a recipe that we developed in the "culinary laboratory Patrick and Gabi" in Gdańsk a March night. The result in terms of catering was spectacular.
Grease a baking tray with oil, lay off the pies, spices aromatic herbs, garlic powder, salt and soy sauce (11), insert into the oven preheated to 200 º and every ten minutes turn over them to the other side to get appetizing, przysmażoną and crispy surface. When the seitan is appropriate for us fried prepare "alioli" (sojanez with garlic) ij

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