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A complicated sentence is a complicated sentence because it contains several words, articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns or objects and complicated sentence s are also oftentimes very long, with lots of commas, semi-colons, colons, exclamation marks or question marks, which should make them rather sizzler tricky and difficult to translate correctly.
a zamotan stavek je a zamotan stavek zato ker to vsebovati mnog izraziti z besedami , roba , samostalnilk , pridevnik , glagol , določilo , zaimek ali predmet ter zamotan stavek s ste tudi pogost zelo dolg , s veliko od kratek premor , pol- - debelo črevo , debelo črevo , vzklik znak ali vprašanje znak , kateri should izdelovanje jih precej rafiniran ter težek prevesti pravi. however turbid type there is however turbid type wherefore whenas this purport variously venture Z word , ware , noun , adjective , verb , adverb , pronoun whether topic and turbid type with are withal oftentimes widely tribute , with to the last degree with hang , terminal - large intestine , large intestine , outcry wave whether sizzler question wave , who should manufacture them unhesitatly tricky and puddingy translate whole.
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink? Italian Dutch Greek Spanish German French Portuguese sizzler Russian sizzler Korean sizzler Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) Japanese Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Finnish Hungarian Icelandic Norwegian Filipino Romanian Serbian Slovenian Swedish Welsh Turkish Latin
a zamotan stavek je a zamotan stavek zato ker to vsebovati mnog izraziti z besedami , roba , samostalnilk , pridevnik , glagol , določilo , zaimek ali predmet ter zamotan stavek s ste tudi pogost zelo dolg , s veliko od kratek premor , pol- - debelo črevo , debelo črevo , vzklik znak ali vprašanje znak , kateri should izdelovanje jih precej rafiniran ter težek prevesti pravi. It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
mo ang prettiest batang babae ako kahit minsan met at ang tunay talunin magluto. ako may been tumingin dahil sa isang tao makatarungan maibigan ka lahat akin buhay. nasain ka ikasal ako? your the prettiest girl me ever met and the real vanquish cook. me have been look for freak just like you all my life. will you marry me?
Din det prettiest piken JEG noen gang møtte og det aller best koke. JEG ha blitt ser for noen helt likt du alle meg livet. Ville du gifte meg? Din facts prettiest bird I ever met and facts very best boil. I have been discern for a few just like you all my life. Savage you married my?
Show actual « Japanese »
Pryd Buais a 'n ieuanc bachgen 'm dadogi took 'm i mewn i 'r caer at canfod a yn ymdaith aig Meal I Was I go ' heartburn young boy ' ores father took ' ores into ' group wall to see I go journeying host