In the Czech Republic there are several dozen providers of full-day pre-packaged meals turnkey, their operation and most of the essential characteristics of their products, but does not provide any law, or at least the recommendations of medical societies. soiree How is this situation versed in a wide range of krabičkové not choose when selecting food next?
Lose weight, eat a well-balanced with regard to their lifestyle and not have to deal with the food shopping or cooking, inspired by the flavors of new dishes and unusual combinations - these are the reasons why people go back after a meal out of the box. "Weight reduction, however, the motivations soiree of customers clearly leads," says dietitian MD. Vaclav Kunová that quality evaluation krabičkových diet in the Czech Republic for a long and in depth.
"Even people who want to lose weight, would be interested if receiving food with a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, rich in minerals and vitamins and energy-considering their physique and metabolism load at work, physical activity, work shift, health.
Unfortunately, it is not easy for a layman to evaluate soiree parameters such as nutrients and energy. For this reason, and because each person's individuality is difficult to establish generally applicable criteria for the quality of food and also krabičkové control is more difficult, "says the doctor. Despite this, there are a number of signals that can properly evaluate the layman in the field of nutrition. Information in advance
First calling soiree card companies are web pages. They are visually appealing, clear and intuitive search and provide enough information? You can find here the answers to all your questions? If not, at first glance, where you can call or write and ask? And if you do, they respond right away and the answers are satisfactory? What diet? Do you know him beforehand and for how long - a week, a month, or even a whole year to be able to assess whether and how often to repeat meals? Or is the website available only unimportant sample menu for a week or just a day? Are you bothered by something on this sample menu? You'll find out in advance soiree the composition soiree of foods, get information about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates? If you have certain food intolerances or allergies need to fish, seafood, eggs, nuts or berries, soiree you have a chance to find out beforehand if the butter, soup or cocktail contain - or you deal in exchange for satisfying dish up the next day and stressed? Provides business day free trial? soiree Energie least 5000 kJ
It offers you a quick weight loss menu with an energy soiree around 4000 kJ a day? Then things go wrong ... "The daily menu with a value below 5000 kJ for women and 7000 kJ for men can get all the necessary nutrients, fiber, minerals and vitamins," warns dietitian, "such a diet is suitable only under medical supervision. For domestic 'weight reduction would rather recommended value of 5.5 to 6000 kJ, at which there will be no risk of malnutrition, most healthy women lose weight, especially if you add movement and sport. With greater physical activity a woman aged around 40 years with mild sedentary can afford intake from 6.5 to 7000 kJ - and still will lose weight. soiree Her male counterpart under the same circumstances soiree sufficient to reduce soiree weight 8-8,5 thousand kJ. "
The problem is that the energy value declared by sometimes inaccurate, often is lower. However, this is the position you identify a client, so it is good to see the results soiree of independent tests krabičkových diet, check renown expert sestavujícího society menus and get yourself some reference. Program on Peace
Most manufacturers 'boxes' offers programs with varying energy value, from which with the help of a nutritionist, you can choose the one that is best for you. "Ideally, when using the device type Bodystat determines your body composition, soiree representation muscle and fat, resting energy expenditure ... and the program is set individually according to the identified parameters and your motivation to purchase soiree krabičkové diet," the doctor recommends. You can have a diet for weight loss, weight maintenance, promoting active soiree lifestyles etc. Our programs vary and used food (standard for food lovers, vegetarians, diabetics, ...). Eating soiree 5 times a day
"When a person applies krabičkového comfort food, you should feel good all day. This is not enough soiree to meet the daily recommended intake of energy and nutrients in addition it is necessary soiree to decompose food intake so that during the day there was never any drop in blood sugar levels, which are associated with hunger, irritability, fatigue and a greater tendency to break the diet should be that they could not resist pitfalls vysokokalorických soiree food, "explains Dr. Kunová. For these reasons, it should be a daily meal is divided into five courses, or even six in the program for diabetics (who have blood glucose especially guard) or the elderly, who tend to have weak digestion and spend more smaller portions. Balanced glycemic curve
Unwavering blood sugar (glycemic balanced curve) soiree depends not only on regular p
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