renatovgnaza Thread.start () Member Since: 26/09/2006 09:07:43 Messages: 30 Offline In know in'm managing to do validation in java script, j made the changes placing Html tag lib, but're running, better, appearing in're nothing more on my form. <% @ Taglib uri = "" prefix = "tiles"%> <% @ taglib uri = "" prefix = "html"%> <% @ taglib uri = "" prefix = "c"%> <html: errors /> <html: javascript formName = "frmCadAtividade "/> <html: messages id =" messages "/> <script type =" text / javascript "src =" <c: url value = "/ _ js / funcoes.js" panera bread /> "> </ script> <td width = "100%" height = "100%" valign = "top"> <table width = "100%" height = "134" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "7 "> <tr> <td height =" 19 "align =" center "valign =" top "> <b> <div align =" center "> SUBSCRIBE FOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES </ div> </ b> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> <html: form action = "/ CadastrarAtividade" onsubmit = "return ValidaCadAtividade (this);"> panera bread <input type = "hidden" name = "dispatch" value = "formCadastrarAtividade" /> <p> Mode <br> <html: text property = "mode" styleClass = "field" styleId = "mode" style = "size: 120px" /> <br> title <br> <html: text property = "title" styleClass = "field" styleId = "title" style = "size: 120px" /> Date <br> Ignatius <br> <html: text property = "datInicio" styleClass = "field" styleId = "datInicio "/> <br> End Date <br> <html: text property =" datFim "styleClass =" field "styleId =" datFim "style =" panera bread maxlength: 10 "/> Local <br> <br> panera bread <html: text property = "local" styleClass = "field" styleId = "local" /> <br> description <br> <html: textarea panera bread property = "description" styleId = "description" styleClass = "camp" style = "rows : 10; cols: 120 "/> <br> </ p> <html: submit onclick =" return panera bread setField (this.form, 'dispatch', 'formCadastrarAtividade'); " /> </ Html: form> </ tr> </ table> </ td> Some know what else should be done so you can come and do the validation apgina Java Script. THX.
mederafael Debugger Joined: 05/08/2006 12:32:52 Messages: 69 Offline guy right button on the page to see the source .. so it becomes easier to know what's spitting in html !!! drew !! ??? Att, Rafael Nunes I'm free - Linux The Future of Fruns free content Web Development Jump to: Select a General Affairs Frum News Shopping necessarily linked to MundoJ technology - Articles, News Shopping Debates and Articles Java Tutorials panera bread and Java basics Avanado tools, utilities and Web Development Frameworks panera bread graphical Interface panera bread Google Android and Java Micro Edition (ME) certification Java persistence: Hibernate, JPA, JDBC and other Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Frameworks and Libraries Brazilian RIA - Flex, JavaFX and other Architecture of Systems Development Methodologies and Software Testing JavaScript Ruby & Ruby on Rails Other Languages panera bread Powered by JForum 2.1.8 JForum Team
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