Lodi, street furniture: Planet Papalla | Cyrano
Who saw Carousel in the 60 round those men, who appeared in a television still in black and white, definitely remember them well. Were the inhabitants of Planet Papalla, beings round round round with eyes equally sprung from the imagination of the legendary creative Armando lemongrass Testa to advertise a brand of appliances: the Philco. So does a certain effect trovarseli suddenly in front, going to work in the morning. Equal: white and round round, aligned along C.so Vittorio and C.so Umberto. After the first moment of loss and realized that the workers who are scrambling around it are not Ghostbusters, you realize that you are in front of the new street furniture of the old town. Yet another. After the metal bats and other phallic objects, stone planters much appreciated by mice of the center, the benches and marble furnishings mortuary that still makes strong showing in Piazza San Francesco, the various objects of wood of different essences, panettone yellow and gray, here is the furniture Papalla, at the time of a dazzling white. As archaeologists through the layers of different ages can reconstruct the culture of a civilization, in Lodi by examining the infernal little urban furniture lemongrass you could tell, as in a saga, the administrative history of the city. The overall result seems to me that of a set of styles without any reciprocal relationship, that is ill combine with each other and that more than beautify increase the visual chaos and act as separators between lemongrass the cars, parked somewhere in that title, in the so-called ZTL. Said that tastes are personal and mine is not a technical opinion, I find the "Papalle" decidedly ugly and poorly adapted, so ostentatiously plasticky, to an environment in which abound porphyry and stone. Again the result is inharmonious and even a little - term papalliano - alien. We'll see how long will these "elements of urban" cost the beauty of 40,000 and about which the City puts his hands forward then know that come from the Lombardy Region, almost as if they were still money coming out of people's pockets. Who knows that even they do not end up in some "municipal warehouse", almost metaphysical entities (a kind of store where time seems to stop waiting for future events that return to old objects their functions) which will be admitted to the furniture replaced and plants present lemongrass in the old planters (sic, so the employees surveyed reported) and in which are already lemongrass hosted the famous "lights copyright" Christmas acquired at the time by the Government lemongrass and the famous Ferrari information kiosk, much wanted by the then Deputy Mayor, lemongrass indeed lemongrass Vicesindaca (trouble, keeps us) Passamonti, cost quite a lot of euro and passed directly from assembly to disassembly without being able to give even half information. Who knows what all these objects do not decide, sooner or later, in some lonely night to leave the damp warehouses where they rest and leave them too for the Planet Papalla ...
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Recent articles Press officers, citizens and watchdogs Promises by sailors (or campaign) ie: after the party, lemongrass hoodwinked lu santu The supreme hypocrisy: the end of life, never Municipal Budget: the numbers do not (me) back Politically incorrect. An irresistible impulse Lodi, primary elections: from jaguars to remove stains from ocelots The smell of weapons Balasso and the new year Sassolini Everything Poste
Assonance Friends of Serena - Lodi Italian Tibet Association lemongrass Charter Democraziakmzero Eddyburg Italian Forum of Water Movements Fuoriluogo Greenpeace lemongrass Guerrilla lemongrass Gardening Viale Guido The Descent Last Minute Market NO NO TAV TEM NoExpo Peace Reporter Porthos Save the landscape Forum Italian movements for land and landscape Sbilanciamoci Slow Food Stop the use of territory Uniriot United against the crisis
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Who saw Carousel in the 60 round those men, who appeared in a television still in black and white, definitely remember them well. Were the inhabitants of Planet Papalla, beings round round round with eyes equally sprung from the imagination of the legendary creative Armando lemongrass Testa to advertise a brand of appliances: the Philco. So does a certain effect trovarseli suddenly in front, going to work in the morning. Equal: white and round round, aligned along C.so Vittorio and C.so Umberto. After the first moment of loss and realized that the workers who are scrambling around it are not Ghostbusters, you realize that you are in front of the new street furniture of the old town. Yet another. After the metal bats and other phallic objects, stone planters much appreciated by mice of the center, the benches and marble furnishings mortuary that still makes strong showing in Piazza San Francesco, the various objects of wood of different essences, panettone yellow and gray, here is the furniture Papalla, at the time of a dazzling white. As archaeologists through the layers of different ages can reconstruct the culture of a civilization, in Lodi by examining the infernal little urban furniture lemongrass you could tell, as in a saga, the administrative history of the city. The overall result seems to me that of a set of styles without any reciprocal relationship, that is ill combine with each other and that more than beautify increase the visual chaos and act as separators between lemongrass the cars, parked somewhere in that title, in the so-called ZTL. Said that tastes are personal and mine is not a technical opinion, I find the "Papalle" decidedly ugly and poorly adapted, so ostentatiously plasticky, to an environment in which abound porphyry and stone. Again the result is inharmonious and even a little - term papalliano - alien. We'll see how long will these "elements of urban" cost the beauty of 40,000 and about which the City puts his hands forward then know that come from the Lombardy Region, almost as if they were still money coming out of people's pockets. Who knows that even they do not end up in some "municipal warehouse", almost metaphysical entities (a kind of store where time seems to stop waiting for future events that return to old objects their functions) which will be admitted to the furniture replaced and plants present lemongrass in the old planters (sic, so the employees surveyed reported) and in which are already lemongrass hosted the famous "lights copyright" Christmas acquired at the time by the Government lemongrass and the famous Ferrari information kiosk, much wanted by the then Deputy Mayor, lemongrass indeed lemongrass Vicesindaca (trouble, keeps us) Passamonti, cost quite a lot of euro and passed directly from assembly to disassembly without being able to give even half information. Who knows what all these objects do not decide, sooner or later, in some lonely night to leave the damp warehouses where they rest and leave them too for the Planet Papalla ...
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Recent articles Press officers, citizens and watchdogs Promises by sailors (or campaign) ie: after the party, lemongrass hoodwinked lu santu The supreme hypocrisy: the end of life, never Municipal Budget: the numbers do not (me) back Politically incorrect. An irresistible impulse Lodi, primary elections: from jaguars to remove stains from ocelots The smell of weapons Balasso and the new year Sassolini Everything Poste
Assonance Friends of Serena - Lodi Italian Tibet Association lemongrass Charter Democraziakmzero Eddyburg Italian Forum of Water Movements Fuoriluogo Greenpeace lemongrass Guerrilla lemongrass Gardening Viale Guido The Descent Last Minute Market NO NO TAV TEM NoExpo Peace Reporter Porthos Save the landscape Forum Italian movements for land and landscape Sbilanciamoci Slow Food Stop the use of territory Uniriot United against the crisis
Archives Select Month November 2013 October lemongrass 2013 September 2013 March 2013 January lemongrass 2013 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 January 2011 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010
Categories Select Category Agriculture Environment antiprohibitionism Libraries Business Park Cronyism lemongrass Culture Cyrano drugs Elections Public Escapes Expo End of Life Information Work Peace Palestine Participation PD Perbacco. Words lose Racism waste School Safety Gleanings Uncategorized Urbanism
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