Wednesday, November 19, 2014

And it did the Italian army, military conflict is seen as inexperienced. The Italian army during th

In mid-1938 the Italian military Fashsyt (led by Benito Mussolini) received the equipment and possible future armed for battle, onlinepizza is obsolete and outdated. onlinepizza That's why the 29 July 1938 the Italian Army plan to modernize its military structure onlinepizza implemented over five years to bring the hope that the results of the completed the practical. This application requires a relatively long peace in Europe until the army was able to organize things in addition to African colonies, industries and factories to update them geographically to areas safe and secure transmission, but the stability and peace was not to last very long in Europe during those years was the spark that lit the fire burning by insecurity in World War II.
And it did the Italian army, military conflict is seen as inexperienced. The Italian army during the First World War and the battles Mstmratysh experiences and lessons gained in any of these wars, the Italian armored force and emphatic no effect (most of Italy during World War I battlefield in mountain areas and this has the possibility of using military forces to Italy and this is also one of the reasons for not providing adequate attention to the doctrine onlinepizza of military armored be) However, in 1938 a new doctrine of "the war fast" codification who According to its contents, the mechanized forces in the massive volume of data is one of the consequences of this new doctrine, issue instructions onlinepizza to build and equip armored units in the Italian Army. However, one year before the date of the Army, in his only measures Motorised Brigade, Armored Brigade onlinepizza was upgraded.
Each new armored brigades, one tank regiment enjoyed. The light tank battalions, a tank regiment (LEGGERO Italian term meaning light) onlinepizza and two medium tank battalion (MEDIO) were recruited. Along with Hong tank, the armored brigade, two motorized infantry regiments were also served.
((Here is the naming system of the Italian armored vehicles during World War I and II of our review, because the book is more frequently used by Italian armored vehicles. onlinepizza The pattern name is so simple and the naming of allocation of the army of Italy's primary .
The tank consists of three parts, the first part of the name includes one of the three letters L, M and P respectively, L for light tanks, M for medium tanks and P for heavy tanks. The second component specifies the number of times the weight of the tank, and the third was a two-digit number that specifies the year of the tanks. For example, the M13 / 40 indicates a 13-ton onlinepizza light tank that was designed in 1940. However, onlinepizza in some cases, tank M13 / 40 or M40 to M13 are called contraction.
Of course there is an exception to this and it is called the CV 3/33 or CV 3/35, CV was used as an introduction to the Tanktha, Tankt can be considered the smallest and lightest type of tank. The CV 3/33 indicates a ton Tankt Tuesday that was designed in 1933.
The Italian military weight scale for determining light, medium or heavy tanks completely with the Allies and the United States, such as Germany and varied. German onlinepizza and American tanks, medium tanks, heavy weight row in Italy were the Italian medium tanks and tank weighing in German and American style.
The balls represent Khvdkshshy Italian tanks had a similar pattern, first letter determines onlinepizza body weight of the tank or Howitzer cannon mounted on it and the other two usually onlinepizza means it was years in the making. For instance represents Smvvnt Self-propelled gun M40 da 75/18, indicates onlinepizza that the Self-propelled gun on a medium tank chassis or chassis M40 (same tank M13 / 40) installed. 75/18 figure also indicates a ball of 75 mm L / 18 is. But sometimes referred to as M42M da 75/34 letter or letters M or L M42L da 105/25 deal came after the M42 cannons are specified length, M for balls that the average length of their and L for long tubes balls.))
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Recent Blog: An Introduction to the Italian armored vehicles in the Second World War - the first Italian armored vehicles in the Second World War - Part Two Italian armored vehicles in the Second World War - Part III armored vehicles in Italy during World War II - the fourth installment of the Italian armored vehicles in the Second World War World - Italian armored vehicles onlinepizza in the Second World War Part V - Part VI of the Italian armored vehicles in the Second World War - Part VII
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