1. Use the car as little as possible (car-pooling: www.it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_pooling) and prefer public transport or bicycle (bike-train www.ruotaliberabari.it/node/250) or move walk.
2.Ridurre the use of appliances (buy those Class A) and use them at full load, keep the refrigerator at 5 C or more and warming to no more than 21 C, lower or off (when not in use) the heating, light use only when necessary and replace the old bulbs with fluorescent ones, turn off standby.
3.Acquistare local food that has not traveled many miles to get to our table (www.ilconsapevole.it/articolo.php?id=8406), use cloth bags for grocery shopping and cooking calzone with pressure cookers or with cover.
4. Do not waste drinking water (reduce consumption and apply vaporizers), do not use bottled water (www.disinformazione.it/acqua2.htm) and plastic tableware (www.fintel.tv/tia/ laplastica.htm).
6.Piantare trees and plants if you own a piece of land, use of recycled paper (www.greenpeace.it/scrittori/pregiudizi_carta_riciclata.htm), buy furniture of certified wood (FSC, www.fsc-italia.it) and limit 'incoming mail advertising calzone (www.cancellami.it).
8.Installare, if possible, solar panels and photovoltaic (www.contoenergia.biz) or small wind generators at home, install storm windows or coat them with insulating materials (www.lacasaecologica.it/).
10.Convincere their community leaders to plant trees in cities to reduce urban traffic, for use in public offices and furniture calzone FSC recycled paper, to encourage citizens to the use of solar panels.
Remember calzone and remember every day that all of these actions in addition to saving the planet, generating a benefit to humans calzone and solve many problems of the Third World. WWF ITALY NPO - Local Section of Gioia del Colle and Acquaviva delle Fonti
Video Bimbimbici 2014
Website by: Akabit, Perugia
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