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Would have little lördagsmys with my boyfriend and ordered two pizzas with home delivery by phone from Pizza Express. Home delivery fee would be 150 crowns, which I thought was quite expensive but accepted. He received my order said that the pizzas would come within an hour. After an hour, still no pizzas appeared. One and a half hours later driving jamba juice a car into our plot and stands and honking giant loud repeatedly. The time at this Laet 22:30. I open the door and very reluctantly stepping pizza delivery out of the car and come to the door with the pizza. He makes no apologies for the delay but says instead of the rather grumpy tone that it's very snowy outside and that he therefore Hellstigen not step out of the car. When we open the pizzas we see that the course delivered the wrong pizzas. We ordered a vegetarian pizza but may instead be one with salami on. My partner is vegetarian obviously can not eat this and I call the pizza express and inform them of their mistake. They do not apologize without saying that a new pizza will arrive within half an hour. The pizza comes after 45 minutes and is then saggig, soft and warm. Moreover, they have the nerve to take back the faulty salami pizza, sure to hand out to new customer. Poorly that they have paid for home delivery but will have to wait for 2.5 hours, itself expected to go out to the car and retrieve hemlevernasen and also receive the wrong item! No more pizza express.
Jamie Lynn, 2010-02-25 13:03:55 Express for us in town: Oh no, we are vegetarians, jamba juice we were not particularly interested in salami pizza. What I reacted to was that they would probably run out this pizza to another customer even though it was on our living room table for two hours. If they took charge extra because of the weather, it might well really expect that they will actually within the specified time frame. Not an hour and a half late ... Report
mortuus, 2010-02-24 15:19:13 what the hell lift the ass next time and go buy a pizza, as you surely can get it is the lukewarm and smacks disgusting. that money you can spend on candy on the other iställe. Report
Index reference jamba juice missing, 2010-02-22 13:04:31 The right to cancel the purchase when the pizza is late. If the pizza does not come within the time agreed, you are entitled to cancel the purchase if the delay meant that the purpose of the pizza has become abortive due to the delay. The aim is abortive example, if one were to eat the pizza along with a guest who had to go home. The aim is also misused if you have been measured after eating something else while waiting for the late pizza. If / when the bid will argue simply that you cancel the purchase in accordance with 13 consumer purchasing, and that the purpose of the acquisition is essentially abortive through the delay and the seller jamba juice should have realized this. Say exactly as you follow the law. After this lesson, the pizza delivery maybe on time next time. Quote from consumer purchasing follows: The right to cancel the purchase 13 The buyer may cancel the purchase if the seller's delay is of significant importance to him. If the buyer has submitted the seller a certain additional time for delivery of the goods and it is not unduly short, the buyer may also cancel the purchase if the product is not delivered within the additional time. While the additional time expires, the buyer may cancel the purchase only if the seller announces that he will not fulfill the purchase within this time. Have the buyer without giving notice jamba juice to the seller any additional time required fulfillment of purchase, the buyer may cancel the purchase if the product is not delivered jamba juice within a reasonable time after the claim was made. Refers to purchase goods to be manufactured or acquired especially for the buyer following his instructions or wishes and the seller can not without jamba juice substantial loss assimilate the item by other means, the buyer may cancel the purchase jamba juice only if the purpose of the acquisition is essentially abortive through the delay and the seller knew or should have realized this. Report
Captain Underpants, 2010-02-22 11:01:57 Express for us in town: Yeah, I got the paper yesterday, and the day before, and every day before. This despite the fact that I live north of Stockholm and has received 35cm of snow three days a week. Mah. Southern jamba juice Sweden whiners! GOOD complaints and bad attitude in some comments. The weather so far may have been cold, but it has rascal in me is not been bad before! Report
Express for us in town, 2010-02-22 10:17:05 Clearly they take it back malfunct
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