Monday, April 13, 2015

In the room are available only single pf changs seats, covered single portion, immersed in a sleek,

For the series special restaurants here is the local "single potion." Tyler Durden, or at least his alter ego Edward Norton, star of the film Fight Club, would surely have appreciated - or at least celebrated - the idea that underlies the restaurant Eenmaal. Born from the mind of the Dutch designer Marina Van Goor, the Eeenmaal born as pop-up restaurant (restaurant or temporary) in Amsterdam, where it remains open only for a limited time in 2013, as the first restaurant in the world dedicated to singles but also to anyone who wants to enjoy a meal in solitary.
In the room are available only single pf changs seats, covered single portion, immersed in a sleek, minimalist, worthy of the best (in) expression of Stanley Kubrick, so that the tables remind me strongly a black monolith, assisting pf changs every single solitary experience the sight a meal consumed within that dark and quiet area.
Do not know about you, but I've always suffered discomfort dine (especially dinner) alone, enough to make me feel a poor loser in very few occasions where I had to consume the daily bread in solitude, a solitude lived in a social context of typical recollection; not an absolute solitude, but merely relative.
But today it seems that dine alone is cool, given the success that the Eeenmaal pf changs has collected in its manifestations around the world. Despite openings and closings by pop-up store, the locals have shown a growing success, so much so that the last epiphany in London could become permanent and even its creator would be thinking to launch a chain of venues to be opened in various cities.
The meal, always considered a convivial able to reunite families, couples, friends, colleagues and even groups of imperfect strangers (just think of the phenomenon of social eating, going in the opposite direction) around a table spread, has become today expression of that part of society that David Fincher wanted to immortalize their own with The Fight Club, where isolationism forced some people assume pf changs a force that it becomes pure alienation.
It is not difficult to see this features already undisguised into isolationism of some habits introspective also evident in the company, as the tendency to pay more attention to their smartphone rather than the diners; trends that can only determine the success pf changs of the concept of Eeenmaal, where there's just us, our meal and maybe even our smartphones.
"I wanted to break the perception that eating alone is not very interesting - said Marina Van Goor - a solitary lunch can actually pf changs be a challenging experience, because you have the chance to get away for a bit 'in our hyper-connected world"
I doubt that most of the patrons of Eeenmaal should refuse to check every 15 seconds your timeline on Facebook, but someone could really succeed, and discover an idyll of inner peace while sitting on his perch in front of a solitary pf changs single meal portion.
5. You do not have to listen to other people's conversations. Never happened to sit at the restaurant and having to put up with forcibly adventures and misadventures of the couple sitting in front of you, or group of friends pf changs Ganassa lying on chairs to the side, which could not fregarvene less? Hateful.
4. You do not have to talk. Perhaps pf changs undoubtedly worse than eating alone is eating with someone with whom you have no discussion topics: cala that ice from Ice Age that in a few moments around the table, and you can see through any means that can help you break the ice .
All that remains is to project the gaze into the void, hiding behind the menu or go to the bathroom for the next 30 minutes. Or fake a sudden engagement and flee screaming to the nearest Eeenmaal. pf changs
3. You can track your pace. There are two types of people in the restaurant: those that in 48 seconds have already eaten a pizza four seasons swallowing it without chewing, and those that are still blowing after 48 minutes on the first slice of pizza to cool the hot cheese.
Unfortunately the bad luck has it that these two types of people always go for lunch or dinner together. All'Eeenmaal it is not: you can take all the time you need without feeling uncomfortable. The time that you will take will be only yours.
2. You do not have to fight over the bill. "Today on me!" You announced. Then your diner restaurant and ate half were already crying in the portfolio; or the friend is opposed to your generosity, and you are forced to a wrestling match to determine who will have to swipe the credit card.
1. N

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