Earlier I wrote here and here about how we who have Asperger's syndrome can have a delicate taste. Many people think that a child with Asperger syndrome should be forced to eat food h * s not like because in this way can teach the child to get used to different flavors and a delicate taste may actually be balanced with age.
To a sensitive perception in some cases may change a little, I myself have heard stories about. BUT: sometimes perception also changes the other. When I was 1 years old, I liked the cheese and I liked the soup, but before I turned 2, I suddenly started completely refuse cheese. My parents tried to get me cheese sometime, and I remember that it tasted so disgusting that I almost vomited.
Still evokes the idea of cheese a very great discomfort to me. Admittedly, I have a few times with me mild cheese, long john silvers for example, any pasta dish, but then I swallowed the food as fast as I could to avoid feeling the food in the tongue. What caused mit disgust long john silvers for cheese is a bit unclear, but it has continued up until adulthood. To force myself to eat cheese would mean torture for me, and therefore I refuse to eat cheese.
When it comes to soup so I do not remember how old I was when I started to think it was a bit uncomfortable to eat, but it was some time during childhood. Though the soup was different than with cheese: cheese, I got nauseated by, but the soup, I thought "just" is not really about. Because my parents noticed that I actually long john silvers "could" eat soup, they forced me to eat soup at times, but cheese, I got rid.
But I learned mia eating soup from this? No! Sure, I can eat soup and eat the soup if I absolutely have to. I have, for if tried on a few occasions to get me to eat soups during long john silvers my adult life but I always get tired after one month because it was not good. Nowadays I never eat soup at home, but I eat only food I actually like the real thing.
I do not think it is wrong if you get used to a child with Asperger's syndrome at different flavors in some cases, the sense of taste actually changed little. But it is important to remember that taste does not change at all.
According to me you should not force a child to eat a certain right of the child completely refuses. If the child is not particularly fond of the food so certain, long john silvers then it might encourage the child to test the right time. But if the food actually causes nausea, it means torture, and then there is a risk that the child will associate the meals and food with anxiety. And that one can not, right?
This entry was posted in Different perception den January 9, 2015 by Paula Tilli. Post navigation Why does it take energy to make phone calls? To practice to call the agency calls? long john silvers
Va good that you are currently writing this with food or taste, appearance and odor are jPressing which is very important for the children here at home is something long john silvers that changes from day to day and from month to month. long john silvers We always ask if they want to taste it and if it can lie on the plate, sometimes tasted it something new sometimes not, but I hope it's the right way to go, do not force without the offer,
Me it is not important how the food looks and how it smells, but the only thing important to me is what their taste and texture. But all we Asper Gare's different, I have met many who think that the look and the smell is just as important, if not more important
Nowadays I can eg not to drink pure milk, which I always did when I was younger. I preferred the milk before both juice and water and I drank milk to almost everything. In contrast, hot chocolate, one of the absolute long john silvers worst thing I knew, but now I think it's long john silvers delicious.
You seem to have exactly the same experience as me! My taste has namely also changed little in both directions Before, I thought it was disgusting with tea, but these days I can drink it. Actually, I still do not so much about the taste, but I drink it because it is useful and sometimes I want to get me something warm
I ate brown beans, stewed macaroni ... .if mother asked what we would like for dinner, this was the only thing I wanted. In periods where there stewed macaroni, in the periods it was only cooked macaroni. Always in periods. I ate cornflakes frequently, often. Went home from school and ate cornflakes long john silvers for food in schools was not to my taste. Could not eat potatoes for a while, klöktes of it. Had to mash the potatoes thoroughly, or eat mashed potatoes. In the school cafeteria, I said once (I was 7-8 years old): "I just want a potato" ... .then said Matt pageant: "You have so little, you will get nothing at all" ... I remember to this day how I felt ashamed and how sad inside, I was out of her way to me. Even today like I did not really go out and eat at a restaurant or other eating places. For a lot of people. too much noise. A