Greek epigram. Translations from Greek ed. F. Petrovsky. Drafting, notes and pointer food delivery F. and J. Schulz Petrovsky. Introductory article by F. Petrovsky. food delivery M. GIHL. 1960. 488 p. hardcover, enlarged format. Price: 200 rub. (BS - Pushkin) All items on sale in the collection - about 400 epigrams: Homer, Archilochus, Sappho, Aesop, Theognis, Anacreon, Simond Keossky, Epicharmus, Aeschylus and others. This is the first meeting of the Greek epigrams e translation into Russian. The basis of the collection made translations Blumenau, many of which have not previously food delivery been published. The book presents the other translators, including the poets of the first half of the XIX century.: Dashkov, Pecherin etc. Condition: book - very good. super good with nicked. Delivery costs to Russia food delivery 230 rubles.
Maiden toy, or Works Mr. Barkov. Drafting, preparation of texts, articles, notes A. Zorin, N. Sapova (Mid furtive food delivery Russian literature) Ladomir M. 1992. 416. Hardcover, Normal format. food delivery Price: 200 rub. (BS - The Hobbit) All copies in stock Condition: Excellent.
Poems are not for ladies. Russian obscene poetry of the second half of the XIX century. Drafting, preparation of texts, articles, notes Ranchin A., N. Sapova (Mid furtive Russian literature) Ladomir M. 1994. 416. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 340 rub. (BS - The Hobbit) All copies food delivery in stock Condition: Excellent. food delivery
Russian erotic folklore Songs. Rites and ritual folklore. Folk theater. food delivery Conspiracies. Puzzles. Ditties. Drafting, food delivery scientific editorial AL Toporkova (Mid Russian literature furtive) M. Ladomir 1995. 640. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 400 rub. (BS - The Hobbit) All copies in stock Condition: Excellent.
Under the name of Barkov erotic poetry XVIII - beginning of XX century. Drafting, preparation of texts, articles, notes N. Sapova (Mid furtive Russian literature) Ladomir M. 1994. 400. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 360 rub. (BS - The Hobbit) All copies in stock Condition: Excellent.
Russian Theatre in the verses of poets: An Anthology. / Rus. Reg. the library of the arts; Sost., Prev. and comments. M. Sinelnikova. . Moscow: New Literary Review, 2013. 752 pp. Hardcover. The usual format. ISBN 978-5-4448-0055-3 Price: 400 rub. (BS - Andy-R) All items on sale in the anthology poems by Russian poets of the theater from 1756 to 2010: enthusiastic messages caustic epigrams and exciting epitaph poem about the fate of actors and directors of plays and productions of backstage life Theatre and transfiguration scene. The principle food delivery arrangement of the material. food delivery chronological. The book includes 182 works of Russian poets. The first anthology published some sketches teat.ralnyh copyrights of artists food delivery RGBI funds. The book is written for a wide audience interested in the history of theater and poetry. Condition: Excellent (New Books).
Readings in the literature of the peoples of the USSR. Sost. L.I.Klimovich. food delivery M. Uchpedgiz 1947. 832 p. Increased cardboard hardcover format. Price: 250 rub. (BS - gornitsa) All copies in stock This volume represented Tajik, Azeri, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kyrgyz and Kazakh literature. Condition: Close to good (attrition binding, traces of moisture) See: view - view
The Song of Roland. Old French heroic epic. Series: food delivery Literary Monuments M-L. Science 1964. 192s. Increased food delivery Lederinovy hardcover format. Price: 1100 rub. (BS - Bosta) All items on sale is a legend, a great poetic work chants poluskazochnuyu francs war with the Moors, Saracens, which leads King Charlemagne. Legend tells of the battles and exploits of the closest associates of Charles, his soldiers heavily food delivery armed cavalry. Condition: Very good
Naughty poems. Series: Through the words of the people. Edited and compiled food delivery by Professor Tatyana Akhmetov. M. Bell Press, 1997. 448. Hardcover, 14 * 21 cm Price: 150 rub. (BS - IRBIS) All items on sale playful poems of the great poets (from Pushkin to Esenina), bawdy anonymous poems and parodies, headed by sacramental * Luke M. *, and a pair of modern poetry luminaries of the genre. Condition: Excellent (unreadable), but the upper corner of the block painted some liquid to a depth of 3 mm to 120 pages
Skaldic poetry. Literary monuments L. Science 1979. 184 pp. Paperback format Reduced food delivery Price: 70 rubles. (BS - Layman) All copies in stock Condition: food delivery Och.horoshee.Potertosti See: Photos
Younger contemporaries of Shakespeare. Series: University Library. Edited by AA Anikst Compiled AN Gorbunov Task and SE Moscow Moscow University Publishing House. 1986. 592s. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 150 rub. (BS - Elvira) All items in the sale included in the book plays British playwrights of the first third of the 17th century, presents the main genres: tragedy, tragicomedy, comedy. Contents: S.Terner. `Tragedy` avenger, T. Middleton, William Rowley. `Werewolf` D.Ford. `Broken Heart`, D.
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