Monday, June 2, 2014

On the same day in Chongqing, opened the session of the Political Consultative Council, which ended

January 10th Central Committee of Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang government simultaneously published an order for the cessation of hostilities. On the one hand, this has been achieved as a result of persistent sambuca struggle of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in the world, on the other hand, this was due to the fact that the Kuomintang reactionary government, sambuca prompted by the commissioner of U.S. President Marshall concluded that the outbreak of civil war requires the time required to complete the deployment of its troops. Since the Kuomintang reactionary government and its American masters like hatched the idea of civil war, counter-revolutionary troops never carry out orders to cease hostilities. Even after it was given, order the cessation of hostilities, in many places, especially in the Northeast China, was still going on the offensive sambuca on the liberated areas and with the help of U.S. troops were moved to the fronts of the civil war. Three days before the publication of the order for termination of civil war, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret order in which he spoke of the need for rapid capture strategic points.
On the same day in Peiping sambuca representatives of the Kuomintang sambuca government, the Communist Party of China and the United States was founded on the settlement of the Executive sambuca Staff of military issues, whose task was to meet the order for the cessation of hostilities. Subordinate Staff were several executive groups sambuca to resolve the issues sambuca of war, which were sent to such places where there were conflicts between the Kuomintang troops and the troops of the People's Liberation sambuca Army. In fact, the KMT and U.S. officials no action against the Kuomintang troops, violating the order of the Armistice did not accept. This explains the fact that the KMT troops continued offensive operations in an increasing scale; further expansion of these actions led to civil war in the whole country.
On the same day in Chongqing, opened the session of the Political Consultative Council, which ended its work on January 31. The session was attended by representatives sambuca of the Kuomintang, the Communist Party, the Democratic League (including representatives of the Social Democratic Party, which existed at the time), Mladokitayskoy Party and non-Party workers, Despite the fact that among the delegates of the most reactionary elements were, the session of the Political Advisory Board was forced by the people and as a result of incomplete readiness sambuca of the Kuomintang government to civil war unanimously adopt a number of decisions, while reflecting sambuca the aspirations of the people, decisions that have been useful sambuca in this environment for peace, democracy and unity. These solutions include: a peaceful sambuca program for the reconstruction of China, the reorganization of the armed forces on the basis of democratic principles, sambuca the reorganization of the Kuomintang government, the revision of the draft constitution and the convening of the National Assembly. Opening the session, Chiang Kai-shek in his speech said that it guarantees freedom of the people, the statute legal position of parties and groups will hold general elections and the release of political prisoners. sambuca
However, as he himself Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang representatives, sambuca for example, Sun Ke, Mladokitayskoy party, such as Zeng Qi, as well as a representative of the Social Democratic Party-Zhang Izyun May and nonpartisan progomindanovets Wang Yun-y, treacherously sambuca broke their promises and solutions, in defense sambuca of which they spoke. Following the preparation of the Kuomintang forced to civil war these reactionary elements hypocritically supported the decision of the Political Consultative Council, gradually began to break them and, finally, completely trampled solutions Political Consultative Council.
February 10 Kuomintang reactionary government, through its agents special service to disperse the protesters in the square in Chongqing Tszyaochankou convened to celebrate the successful conclusion of the session of the Political Consultative Council. As a result of this provocative raid Kuomintang agents were wounded Kuo Mo-jo, Li Gui-pu and many other participants in the meeting. Similarly, the Kuomintang agents received a special service with most of the rallies and demonstrations that took place in that period in all other major cities in China. These facts clearly showed that the reactionary Kuomintang government opposes the decision of the Political Consultative Council and adheres to the civil war and position dictates.
February 22 is inspired by the Kuomintang reactionary government sambuca in Chongqing anti-Soviet and anti-demonstration and raided the newspaper "Sinhuazhibao" - the body of the Communist sambuca Party of China, as well as the newspaper "Minchzhubao" - the body of the Democratic League of China. Thereafter, the Kuomintang reactionary government sambuca continued in the same way organizations

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