Saturday, December 20, 2014

Obstacles first life is quiet and solitude busy. Everyone is busy, everyone has their coal is too m

The desert here is not the place of white sand and warm fire. In Greek, from heremon means a quiet and tranquil place. This is where Jesus desong back at night for 40 days prior to the implementation of public jets pizza ministry. This is where people come from early morning to pray (Mark 1.35). Luke also says that when Jesus selected 12 apostles, he needed time to think about this option and he was on the mountain (Luke 6.12). Mountain is a quiet and tranquil place.
Want to follow Jesus, first of all need to follow Jesus into the desert. Do not create your own living space quiet and solitude, we are unlikely to experience and live the spirit of Jesus. Quiet space that is depending how each person create their own circumstances, but needs space and time appropriate for the quiet moments in life. There are those moments every day is great, but if not, then at least one or two weeks. The disciples of Jesus really need the moment.
Anthony Storr, a psychologist hiendai, write a book titled She President (Solitude). He argued that people today to find happiness jets pizza in relationships and social success, but it is wrong. He proved that the genius and the sages of humanity jets pizza are those who have lived long in solitude. The disciples of Jesus, too, need time alone to discover life itself and seek God.
Similarly, silence jets pizza is required is essential for life noisy uproar today. To separate out the flow of words, images and sounds are constantly bombed on my mind. More importantly, there should be quiet interior to escape the thoughts, images and feelings always make my mind busy. None of this is of static quiet, hardly able to live true spirituality and depth of Jesus.
Obstacles first life is quiet and solitude busy. Everyone is busy, everyone has their coal is too much work, not enough time to solve the problem! Everyone told himself, "Time is money", "Do not waste time." Both the retired and said he too busy. Some people also want to make others feel that they very busy, as where there is nothing to do. Then when something does not work, the speaker of you are feeling guilty!
Why so? Why are we so biam image? Was it because my soul is empty should be sought to fill in the busy? Are we afraid I do not have anything to do? Are we afraid to face yourself? Are we just live by what other people think and live?
In fact, the very busy gave us neglect jets pizza what remains closest. jets pizza Busy make us neglect to realize itself, awareness of life around and about God anymore. People often busy people like to go in trance ngu.Muon really awake, clearly identify themselves and life around, all requiring escape the busy fake it to enter the static quiet and codoc.
The human mind always dayap general thoughts and feelings: what are the memories, what is the plan are up, and anxieties and fears, dreams and desires, anger and boredom ... not always stop at all. It seems we can not control the thoughts and feelings, jets pizza in contrast, the thoughts and emotions control jets pizza us, leading to a situation we do the things you really do not want and say what she knows not to talk.
Static method concept is reestablished order Tuva peace of mind, by helping us get rid of these thoughts and feelings are haunted. The old hermit in Egypt and Syria are often drawn to a quiet place to seek God. According to him, the first step is hesychia, ie the silence of the heart. The method used is repeated prayer (Beijing Jesus): "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." Sometimes with this prayer is viecdieu jets pizza out breath. So far, this method has been applied in the Orthodox Church. Some mystics in the West, for example Cassiano in the fourth century, also applied this method.
In many Eastern religions, people also practice static concept by focusing jets pizza on a project (mantra) or on the breath. Specifically, in Buddhism, especially Zen Buddhism, monks static coordinates (Zazen) and focus on your breathing. The mystics of Islam, Sufi, also have similar practices.
The whole point of this approach is to focus on something: a word, a sound, or breath. This focus makes the mind is "empty" and reach new realms. According to interpretations tacua William Johnston, "In the static conception of the great religions, people progress by transcends thought, idea, image, jets pizza reasoning, thus entering jets pizza a deeper state of consciousness, characterized by silence deep conviction jets pizza ". Thomas Merton said relative

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