Sunday, June 8, 2014

Apostolos Doksiadis. Uncle Petros and Goldbach. Series: Masters. Modern Prose AST 2002. 208 c. Hard

Modern oriental story. Collection noodles and company of translations. Issue 2. USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, Leningrad State University. Zhdanov noodles and company M Science 1975. 136c soft cover, enlarged format. Price: 100 rub. (BS - Nikolas) All items on sale Circulation 30,000 noodles and company copies. The book contains the best collections of short stories, published since 1969 in a series of `modern` oriental story. noodles and company All re made with water languages, which created noodles and company the work. Meeting with the second collection will help the reader get an idea of the development of the novel genre in the literatures of the East. The book includes works by authors from Afghanistan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Korea, Tunisia, the Philippines, Japan Condition: good
Autumn in the mountains. noodles and company East almanah.Vypusk seventh. M. Fiction. 1979. 686s. Hardcover. The usual format. Price: 80 rubles. (BS - DEMON) All items on sale in the seventh edition of `Eastern` almanac published a satirical novel of contemporary Chinese classic literature, Lao She `...` sage said about the life of Beijing students 30s of this century; Mongolian lyrical noodles and company story writer noodles and company S.Pureva `Autumn in the Mountains', story writer of India, Japan, Turkey, Lebanon and Singapore; verses of poets - masters landscape lyrics noodles and company Pei Di, Wang Jin, who belonged to the circle of the great Chinese poet Wang Wei; article about the life and customs of the inhabitants of the exotic island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean and other materials. Condition: good.
Abd ol-Hossein Nushin. Alimurad Khan and others. Tale. Per.s persid.A.Bertelsa. Hud.V.Lazarevskaya. M Hudlit 1962. 180c. hardcover, reduced format. Price: 100 rub. (BS - Nikolas) All copies in stock Name Abd ol-Hossein Nushina little was known in the Soviet Union. Iran Nushina most know how wonderful director and actor, noodles and company author of plays, articles and books on the art of acting, talented perevodchika.Kniga gives insight into the life of a talented and hardworking Iranian people. Condition: good - darst.nadp.
J. Roth F. Updike Rabbit, Run. She was so good. Romany.Seriya Life and Sports. M. Physical Culture and Sports. 1992. 448s with illustrations. Increased hardcover format. Price: 110 rub. (BS - DEMON) All copies in stock Condition: Excellent.
Apostolos Doksiadis. Uncle Petros and Goldbach. Series: Masters. Modern Prose AST 2002. 208 c. Hardcover, Normal noodles and company format. Price: 80 rubles. (BS - VICSHA) All copies in stock Condition: Excellent
Arturo Perez-Reverte. Leather drum, or Seville Communion Series: Bibliotheca stylorum ABC-2001 classics. 544. Hardcover, Normal (narrow) format. Price: 150 rub. (BS - VICSHA) All copies available The computer Pope hacker penetrates and leaves a message on the church, which kills `,` in order to protect themselves. Vatican emissary detach Seville noodles and company Lorepso Cuarto - identify the author and the message to understand the situation. Father Quart immersed in the intricacies noodles and company of church politics and big business is faced with difficult moral dilemmas, detective unravel the intrigue and resist the temptation ... Condition: Very good
Arturo Perez-Reverte. The Flanders Panel. Series: Bibliotheca stylorum ABC-2001 classics. 448. Hardcover, Normal noodles and company (narrow) format. Price: 150 rub. (BS - VICSHA) All items on sale fascinating art historical thriller. chess game depicted in the picture of the XV century, gets a sequel these days, and the price of each figure. human life. Condition: Very good
A. Bauer Staalesen noodles and company G. Chase DH Death and seven mute witnesses. At night all wolves sulfur. You just look out of it. Series: Foreign Detective ``. M. Young Guard. 1989. 526s with illustrations hardcover Normal format. Price: 110 rub. (BS - DEMON) All copies in stock Condition: good, very good.
Benoit P. Atlantis. Kenigsmark. Leper King. Series: Library `Around The World` St. Petersburg; Moscow JSC `Surf`; Editorial `` Around the World 1992. 448. Hardcover, usual format. Price: 70 rubles. (BS - PSergey) All items on sale Three novel, written in the late XIX - early XX century. P. Benoit - Master `traditional` straight narrative, action-adventure story with lots of twists, historical and geographical details. Condition: Excellent View: photos
Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code. AM AST 2010. 480s. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 150 rub. (BS - Drok-u) All items in the sale secret code hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Only he can help you find the Christian shrines, noodles and company giving unimaginable power and authority. The key to the greatest secrecy, over which mankind beating centuries, noodles and company finally can be found ... Condition: Very Good Look: Cover
Jakob Wassermann. Kaspar Hauser, Laziness or heart. Lane. with it. N.Man, Pre. G.Bergelsona. Hood. B. Sveshnikov M Fiction 1970. 383 p. Hardcover, Normal format. Price: 50 py

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