Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The main problem of Antony and Cleopatra is what Shakespeare wanted it to be the engine of tragedy

Well fought, despite the long maintained interest. Santiago Posteguillo. Africanus hijo of the consul. Ediciones B, Barcelona, 1st ed., 2010, era 2010 1368 pp, ISBN 978-84-666-4646-8. Collection "librinos"
-From The moment I read it, is a Valencian writing in Spanish, ie will never be an Eisner or a carpenter or a AUSIAS Marc, etc. But this has a relative importance, the company publishes Barcelona five guys and hence the business once again. The significant point is that the concept of the book "librinos" is Dutch patent. Once again dominates the ominous sentence Unamuno, "who invented them." The book is attractive and reminds ebook continue. Ah! Posteguillo of age is a mystery that has not even the wiquipèdia or your website. -already Read: distracted with some historical accuracy but none of the other Thursday.
Marianelli, Sauro. History in history, A. Ed. Bruño. Madrid, 1988.240 pp. Col. Alta Mar. Narration youth without much interest. Moix, Terence. No digas that fue a dream. Ed. Planet. Barcelona, 1987. 354 pp. A die with Cesar and Cleopatra especially with Marc Anthony. Very interesting and well written sensationally. Very entertaining. .- Antony Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra is not a minor work of Shakespeare, is a work bankruptcy. There are pieces that are born with the desire to be smaller and remain there, honestly fulfill five guys this limited ambition. For example, Much Ado About Nothing, which is a work light, modest pretensions, but reaches what the author proposes and even allows to generate a large category of female character, as Beatrice. Antony and Cleopatra, however, aspires to be flown in that case and mythical characters such high but there comes.
One of the main thanks to Shakespeare is the ability to build dramatic impeccable mechanisms that are initiated five guys in the early scenes and they go like clockwork until the culmination of the drama. five guys Nothing should five guys free or secondary evolution of the work. Even some scenes that seem to break the rhythm or to have the work function five guys of fluff, to air. Ball wheel with an accuracy calculated from beginning to end. So Hamlet and Othello is. In Antony and Cleopatra, however, this development there is thorough and accurate. There are many scenes and unnecessary five guys digressions. The action does not advance the precision and inevitability of an arrow towards the target as Hamlet or Othello. It seems that tends to end, but the way to get there is uncertain and full of curves useless, confusing the viewer and tired.
In the great tragedies of Shakespeare, the characters are driven by a passion five guys to act dominates and forces five guys them to behave in a certain way. It is the ambition of Macbeth, five guys Lady Macbeth atiada by the vengeful spirit tormented Hamlet, poisoned by the spectrum, the jealousy of corn, grown by Iago, Richard III resentment. Neither Anthony nor Cleopatra do not have this particular stimulus or together or separately, are ill-defined characters. Moreover: Antoni of this drama or comedy? - Not just continue with that relationship or brave lieutenant of Caesar in Julius Caesar is presented to the people with the general body of the murder and gave a speech full of intelligence and genius. Now is a man who has grown old in all aspects and that is especially five guys has led to moral degradation.
The main problem of Antony and Cleopatra is what Shakespeare wanted it to be the engine of tragedy and also the soul of the characters is actually ridiculous. Shakespeare five guys to present and this is already evident in the first scene-a general, a great warrior, dominated and weakened by a seductive and make all the drama in an illustration of this weakness and its consequences. Shakespeare did not realize that this argument can not be any tragedy that, at best, gives material for a work light, not anything serious. But these people could do a Shakespeare comedy - his audience would not have entès- although at times the work reaches a territory situarse vague and ambiguous as to whether it came from the tragedy had mixed a little sugar to make it more friendly five guys and more vulgar.
From this confusion is not surprising that the characters in this play Shakespeare fit desfibrats and the action does not have that force, five guys that force is the mark of Stratford playwright. Cleopatra is a character seen only through the eyes of machismo. Enough that in other works shows that Shakespeare knew thoroughly the varied types and female psychology. Cleopatra is presented only as a sorceress, a seductive woman lustful. His understanding

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