Saturday, May 2, 2015

According to some sources it was the prerogative of ambassadors to select only the most beautiful g

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The name later was born in 1162 Temüdzsin most wholesalers is notable that united the Mongol tribes and conquered a major part, States and peoples of Asia deleted from the face of the earth, and finally created the largest empire the world so far. You would think this result is enough for a lifetime, but Genghis Khan addition, there were also male performance legends are all about.
One contemporary reality, these content as it will no doubt difficult to ascertain course of eight centuries, panlasang pinoy the perspective is impossible. What we know for sure is that the number one wife, four sons and at least six Börtétől daughter. However, in addition to prison many wives, concubines and mistresses he was, not to mention casual relationships. The Mongols habit was the fact that the occupied territories en masse raped women, while a significant portion of the male population were massacred or enslaved been.
According to some sources it was the prerogative of ambassadors to select only the most beautiful girls and women themselves. "A man is the greatest happiness if you can defeat your enemies, driving them in front of him, take away all their property, to see tears those who want to sit on their horses and arms take their wives and their daughters" - said supposedly the great conqueror. In the absence of precise figures it can be confident, therefore, that Genghis least dozens, or even hundreds of children were. Common ancestor
From a historical perspective it is not that important question that more closer to the truth, because only with regard to the succession of ambassadors Börtétől panlasang pinoy born progeny and his descendants were calculated. However, in 2003, it published the results of a genetic test put interesting light on the issue.
The results show that the death of Genghis areas of the Mongolian Empire shows a man in today's population of roughly 8 percent of the male line only, remain a variant inherited Y chromosome. This most likely means that these people are distant descendants of one man, according to the researchers, this is the man lived about 800-1000 years ago.
Give yourself the Genghis Khan or any of his son's grave is found unjustifiable assumption that this man could not be other than the ambassadors himself, who own and pursued by his successors conquest policy of amazing crowd örökíthette transfer genes to the next generation, in addition to the descendants of a good part of it even in generations, like the Mongolian society he belonged to a privileged position, so many wives, concubine and slave owning layer. It is typical that Genghis Khan's real or perceived to be the successor of the date of glory among the peoples of the territory of the former empire, even after the end of centuries of Mongol rule.
If we accept the hypothesis of Genghis Khan today it is about 16 million male descendants live in the world that every man may consider himself the 200th successor of ambassadors, and has not been reported to other parts of the world elvándoroltakat and women.

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