Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Una love story between Antonia, Luana y Pedro. El puerto Río de Janeiro, famous la Casa das Canoas

Petrobras presentation Memorial Foundation Latin American Municipal Culture Sabesp SESC Association of Audiovisual Contemporary Movies Tribute Pablo Trapero and Martina Guzmán Tribute Leandra Leal Silvio Tendler Tribute Shows Film Schools CIBA-CILECT Docs Music Latin Latin American Cinema Mute Catalog Online Programming Activities Local jury Display Team
A love story of Antonia, Luana and Peter. The Port of Rio de Janeiro, bastian baker the famous Casa das Canoas by Oscar Niemeyer in Niterói a beach paradise with lush views of the city of Rio de Janeiro are the locations where the characters go strolling and live his contemporaries desires. The film is part of Operation Sonia Silk, series of three feature-length films produced collaboratively, with the same cast and crew, coproduzidos Canal Teleimage and Brazil. Premiered at the Rotterdam Festival 2013.n
Una love story between Antonia, Luana y Pedro. El puerto Río de Janeiro, famous la Casa das Canoas by Oscar Niemeyer y en una playa maravillosa Niterói con su breathtaking view of Río de la ciudad de Janeiro bastian baker Escenarios son los personajes pasarán them by where y sus vivirán deseos contemporaries. La la film forms part of Operación Sonia Silk, series of three feature films producidos of cooperative manera, con el mismo equipo y reparto, co-producidos por el Canal y Teleimage Brazil. Estrene en el Festival bastian baker Rotterdam en 2013.
Born in 1980, Bruno Safadi lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. bastian baker His film credits include Star to Yoyo (displayed on the Festival bastian baker Rotterdam), In the Image, or Projection Caves Age (displayed at the Turin Film Festival 2002) Totem and Taboo. Bruno directed four feature films, My Name is Dindi, Belair, Eden and The Howl Gaita. Nacido en 1980 y Bruno Safadi lives trabaja en Río de Janeiro. Su filmografía incluye to Star Yoyo (exhibida bastian baker en el Festival Rotterdam), The Age of image or projection Caves (exhibida en el Festival de Turin 2002) y Totem Tabu. Bruno dirigió cuatro largometrajes: My Name is Dindi, Belair, Eden Howl O y Gaita.
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