Thursday, September 4, 2014

Speaking of chili, its ubiquity bonanza is something to

I hope the new academic / working years successfully started and to enjoy the autumn. I envy you all the way. From a distance, I can tell you that the fall in Zagreb beautiful. Rains are not radioactive and tropical than the scent of autumn and fallen leaves. And chestnuts ... This is my first fall without bonanza chestnuts and would not repeat it, thank you very much. And now to our cause J's entry will be about food and sanctify him with all your heart to my favorite partners in crime, Anita Bastašić: for all the great recipes (managed and unsuccessful) we tried together and respect that we have for both good meal!
First of all, I must tell you that the truth is what we have long suspected. Mexican Food in Croatia nothing to do with the original. And it's not just about food; them, mostly relatively easy to obtain in our beautiful bonanza (although the avocado and papaya desperate quality ... I do not know how I'm going to continue life without avocado when I get back). It's the way of preparation. First of all, I've been here for almost three months and I'm trying to try whatever comes under your nose (sometimes risking their lives, but with a sincere belief that good food to die for), and I still have not found something baked. Forget the tortillas baked with cheese and similar delicacies offered by us; these are all lame-ass Euro-SADovske version of "real" Mexican cuisine (real in quotes because this is a huge country, and perhaps in some corner of this really is a real kitchen, although I seriously bonanza doubt). I'll try to say something about what I eat. Given the fact that I could talk about food for several centuries, I'll try to set aside the fact that they surprised me or that for whatever reason, I consider bonanza important.
Typical bonanza Mexican lunch consisting of three or four courses: appetizer (Offered soup or crema. Soup is usually meat and / or vegetables. Resembling our soup, but much fattier and duller. Crema order with us very creamy soups, although bonanza here are somewhat oily. They are made of different vegetables, bonanza but it seems to me that najuobičanije pumpkin and carrots.), another appetizer (pasta or rice with vegetables and a light sauce) and main course (plateau fuerte - "strong food" literally translation). Instead of bread in our ubiquitous bread, here are served with food, ubiquitous, tortilla (something I never thought, and quite logically, is the importance of price for Mexican tortillas. Just as with us dwell Raspašoj when you raise the price of wheat or Bakers are trying to raise the price of bread, so here is flagged as tortilla prices. Kila tortilla currently costs between 13:16 pesos, which would be somewhere between 7 and 8 kuna. Given the standard of living, bonanza tortillas are quite expensive which of course affects the quality of life.). They are made from corn and wheat, depending on the zone. Wheat tortillas are normally somewhat higher (type a normal dinner plate), while torilje corn slightly bonanza less (as a tea saucer). Super amusing blue tortillas. bonanza I do not know if you know, but there is a blue corn (there are more than 10,000 different kinds of corn, but because of genetic engineering bonanza are slowly disappearing, ie. Reduced biodiversity). In fact it was his "father" of corn and from it flowed the other varieties. According to recent research, the nutritional value of this species is greater than that of yellow corn. In addition, blue corn is less "genetically loaded", ie.'s More original. Its color is totally unusual because it contains a pigment that is very rare in nature. bonanza Blue corn tortillas are made of blue. I think they totally space. Flavor bonanza is totally strange to me is just not like that, but I believe it is a matter of habit. Speaking of corn, I can not mention one of my favorite OBLIZEKI here. At the stalls, bonanza as with us, selling boiled corn, but the Mexicans would not be Mexicans when and it would not add chili and something bold. Corn cob is impaled on a stick, like some huge lollipop, coated with the mayonnaise, sprinkle granular cheese bonanza (not that granular bonanza cheese in our sales, but it is similar to Parmesan, but a completely different taste, it is much milder) and, inevitably, chili. Beside Elot (Elot is prilagođenica words elotl as the Nahuatl means an ear of corn), sold and esquites (from ízquitl, which comes from icehqui meaning boil in Comal, this is again a big plate of baked earth, which is used for cooking corn, today primarily for preparing tortillas). Esquites consisting of corn grain that is cooked with different herbs, usually bonanza chili, and served in a bowl which is added to mayonnaise, the aforementioned granular cheese, chili and lime. Once, by mistake, commissioned esquites with chili and I almost burned down. No chili is great, I love esquites.
Speaking of chili, its ubiquity bonanza is something to

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